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  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • Love these !

    By Skullchaser33
    I am so happy that they have these stickers. I use them on all of my Colorado photos and so many people enjoy seeing them. I agree with the other reviewer that I hope they add additional stickers these are so fun and there should be one that says #Coloradostrong in wake of recent events(2021) Colorado is a great state and these are great stickers to represent all the fun things to do there.
  • Native of Colorado and love the stickers.

    By DDDean63
    Would absolutely love to see prairie dog pictures in here as they are being wiped out of our state in cruel cruel ways. ❤️🐾❤️
  • CO 💜

    By CO💜
    These stickers are great! I use them all the time and people that aren’t even from Colorado ask how I got them and then they use them too! I only wish that they added more new ones soon 😉
  • Nope. Not yet.

    By Nefariousnina
    Pixelated. Not emojis. Giant pixelated stickers. You’ll do better just snagging s picture online and using that. Keep trying. This needs to actually integrate with the keyboard as an emoji (right now you have to (a) install it and give it full access (b) change keyboards mid text/message (c) then PASTE this giant pixelated non emoji into your message. 👎
  • No Off-road?

    The Off Highway Vehicle community brings in the most money to Colorado. Just look at the study done by COHVCO. Please add some off high way vehicle stickers like Jeeps, snow mobiles, and ATVS etc.
